1860 2C. Andrew Jackson with small grill, Scott 93, tied to small ‘Le Messager Franco-Americain’ wrapper by segmented cork cancel, red French accountancy at centre, without backstamps; fine condition.
1860 entire from Odessa with company chop bottom left, forwarded to Constantinople with agents handstamp on reverse, addressed to Malta and carried on French ship ‘Borysthene’ with cds top right, at double rate 2/- on arrival manuscript charge, arrival backstamp.
1860 entire from RIGA to ABERDEEN with Cyrillic despatch cds on reverse, together with LONDON transit and arrival cds, various manuscript rate markings plus '7½' accountancy handstamp.
1860(30 April) stampless registered outer letter sheet prepaid in cash from Hamburg to London bearing red HAMBURG/ PAID cds and HAMBURG/ CROWN/ REGISTERED, Registered arrival below, at top left Charge handstamp. A good example of this scarce London Foreign Branch handstamp despite light filing creases.
1860s 15kr postal stationery envelope to Belgrad, Serbia, cancelled with 'WIEN' cds; arrival backstamp.
1860s 5kr postal stationery envelope to Belgrad, Serbia cancelled with 'WIEN' cds; faint arrival backstamp.
1861 (14 Aout) entire to Lyon franked 1853 Napoleon 10c. and 40c. tied with unclear lozenge, Sinai ship cds at base, framed PAQUEBOTS/ DE LA/ MEDITERRANEE; small fault top left of entire and stamps with variable margins.
1861 (28 Aout) cover to Marseille franked 1853 Imperf Napoleon 10c. and 40c. (close to good margins) tied petits chiffres ‘3707’ with at right Constantinople Turquie cds, red framed PAQUEBOTS/ DE LA/ MEDITERRANEE and PD, arrival backstamp.
1861 (Abril 8) outer letter sheet to Caracas franked pair 1859 coarse impression ½r. yellow with clear to large margins tied bt three-line VALENCIA date stamp. A fine franking paying the 25 to 100 miles rate, showing large lettering in month. A light filing crease affecting one stamp. Brian Moorhouse Cert. 2011
1861 (Jul 20)envelope to Paris franked with five overlapping 3c. tied by fine red grid handstamps, similarly coloured New York Paid 3 date stamp for French credit before being put on the Havre Line steamship “Arago”, good strike in blue of French maritime datestamp applied at Havre, arrival backstamps; some faults to envelope but still an attractive franking.
1861 (Mar 2) envelope to Marseille, France franked 1857-61 1c. pair, 3c. and 10c. (rounded top right corner) cancelled with dots in a circle handstamp, large Superior Wis. Despatch at left, three stamps also tied by red New York PAID 12 date stamp denoting amount due from France for a letter carried by a British Packet, red octagonal French maritime date stamp and framed PD, reverse with French tpo transits and arrival.
1861 (Oct 9) cover addressed “Care of Consul of U.S America, Havre” franked with 5c brown-yellow and 10c. unclear cork cancels and Williamsburgh cds, paying the ¼ oz rate, 3c credit to France handstamp as carried on American liner “Fulton”. This was her last voyage before being withdrawn because of the Civil War.
1861 entire bearing two-line KPAIOBA/ AP 19 date stamp of Craiova; light vertical filing creases otherwise fine and clean condition.
1861 outer letter sheet to WOLMAR with, on reverse, fine strike of oval 'POST ENGELHARDSHOF' despatch date stamp with dates added in manuscript, Cyrillic arrival cds above this; slight fault at right of cover.
1861-66 2c Andrew Jackson with grill tied by segmented cork cancel on newspaper wrapper ‘Le Messager Franco-Americain’ to Paris, red French accountancy 15c. stamp has been lifted to check grill size.
1861? Reduced outer lettersheet to India franked 1857 1d blue, 3 good margins including portion of adjoining stamp, touched at top, tied by grill cancel, with manuscript 'per Steamer Nemesis' and rated '4' on obverse, blue cachet FORWARDED BY/H.SONNENKALE/GALLE on obverse, segmented Calcutta/Steamer Letter on reverse, some staining to reverse.
1862 (15 Julio) entire to Barcelona, endorsed “Vapeur ‘Ciudad Candel” franked with two 1857-61 No Watermark 1r yellow-green with grid cancel, arrival backstamp; some toning around edge of stamps.
1862 (MR 17) Envelope from Cairo to Oxford correctly franked by 1862 GB 9d bistre (wing margin at right) tied by mostly fine strike of 'B01' numeral of Alexandria with very fine Cairo dispatch and London transit (MR30) cds alongside. Oxford arrival (MR 31) backstamp. The adhesive with odd short perfs. Exceptional colour and minor opening blemishes. Fine and rare usage, the 9d being issued just 2 months previously.
1862 (NO 18) Envelope from Alexandria to Madras, endorsed "By Steamer to Madras", franked 1862 GB 3d carmine-rose + 9d straw, tied by individual fine to very fine strikes of 'B01' numeral, backstamped at Alexandria, Madras (DE 8) and Rajahmundry (DE 12). Minor blemishes. Still very fine, attractive and scarce.
1862 1d. Nestle Price Current private postal stationery wrapper to Basle, Switzerland, cancelled barred diamond ‘36’ of London, endorsed “pr Calais” and red circular-framed ‘PP’ and Angl. Amb Calais B French entry cds, red crayon “05” arrival charge, reverse with Basel cds.